
Erebus Team Principal details mixed weekend in charge

18 Jun
A Saturday DNS and Sunday podium headlined a busy weekend for the reigning champs
  • DNS and podium for Brodie Kostecki in Darwin

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Darwin proved a baptism of fire for Erebus Motorsport Team Principal Brad Tremain, who led the team in the absence of CEO Barry Ryan.

With Ryan a rare absentee from an event, Tremain stepped up and was at the helm for the reigning champions at Hidden Valley.

Tremain’s weekend in charge began with engine issues for Brodie Kostecki, which flowed into Saturday and produced a rare DNS.

Come Sunday, and Erebus was arguably the second best on pace behind the dominant Red Bull Ampol Camaros, with Kostecki splitting the two in the Shootout.

Kostecki converted to his and Erebus’ first podium of the season, while Jack Le Brocq was a strong sixth after running fourth early on.


At the centre of it all was Tremain, who was in contact with Ryan across the weekend.

"Yeah, there are quite a few jobs that Baz takes care of when he's here,” said Tremain, who was elevated to the Team Principal role this year.

“The more I take on, the more I could pass on to the guys underneath me. I enjoyed it, it's what I've always wanted to do.

tremain darwin 2024

“Baz hasn't been here, but he's been on the phone to me all weekend with advice and encouragement. He's not here, but he's still here.”

While pleased with the podium, Tremain was self-critical overall given Kostecki’s costly DNS on Saturday.

"Not yesterday [Saturday], no. That was a real bad job,” he replied when asked if he had done a good job for the weekend.

“But it's good to get back on the podium. We really needed a day like [Sunday] to help build some momentum.

“So we'll use that. And we'll just keep going. We've got a few procedures to tidy up, a bit of time to find in pit lane, so we'll work on that and just keep moving forward and getting better.”

Erebus moved from 10th to ninth in the teams’ championship after Sunday’s race, while Le Brocq is 13th overall, albeit just 110 points from fourth-placed Nick Percat.

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