
Seven and 7mate - How It Will Work

15 Jan 2013
We go to the top to find out how V8 Supercars racing will be split across the Seven Network in 2013..
2 mins by James Pavey

V8SUPERCAR fans will find their 2013 broadcast schedules broadly similar to 2012,according to V8 Supercars CEO David Malone.

A vast majority of the 2013 season will be showcased on the primary SevenNetwork channel, only deviating to 7mate when clashes with Australian RulesFootball occur – much the same as how the broadcasting arrangement hasfunctioned in recent years.

It will ensure that every race will be broadcast live on the Seven Networkthroughout the year.

“What you will see in 2013 is a very similar structure to what you saw in2012,” David Malone told V8Supercars.com.au.

“The racing will be shown on Seven except in the instances where it conflictswith AFL in certain markets. In those instances, our primary market will be on7mate but as it did last year, Seven provided us with highlights packages onthe same day in the markets where clashes occurred. That will occur this yearas well.

“Overall we were actually able to increase our audience year on year, as aresult of that structure. We are pretty confident that it will work well for usagain in 2013.”

Theman behind the TV rights negotiations is also confident that internationalbroadcast arrangements are well underway, in a year that will see thechampionship race in the United States of America for the first time.

“Those discussions are well advanced,” he said.

“Our international rights are well advanced, especially in New Zealand which isa highly important market for us... there will be a separate announcement aboutthose rights in coming weeks.”

Malone has also indicated that with the critical free-to-air TV rights nowfinalised, subscription TV and the digital media rights should progress rapidlyto a state of completion.

Stay tuned to V8supercars.com.au later today for our full chat with the V8Supercars CEO.

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