
Triple Eight unveils student-designed Indigenous wildcard livery

10 Jun 2023
Racing Together students behind Goddard wildcard artwork
3 mins by James Pavey

Students of the Racing Together program have led the design of Triple Eight Race Engineering’s wildcard Darwin livery, which was revealed on Sunday.

Zane Goddard will race the #888 Supercheap Auto Camaro at the betr Darwin Triple Crown next weekend.

Goddard is the first wildcard of the Gen3 era, and will return in the #888 alongside Craig Lowndes for the enduros.

With Darwin doubling as Supercars’ official Indigenous Round, Goddard’s first solo starts since 2021 will come with added weight.

The new Camaro has never been raced, was only tested for the first time earlier this month, and is key for Goddard's chances to returning to the main game full-time.

The #888 livery carries artwork from Racing Together students, with the program designed to help Indigenous youths aged 12 and above to get an insight into motorsport.

Racing Together was launched in late 2020 by motorsport figures Garry and Monique Connelly.

Members have since gained full-time employment opportunities in the automotive and motorsport sectors, including students who have taken on roles at both Triple Eight and Supercheap Auto.

The students’ artwork is centred on their heritage and the history and traditions of the traditional custodians of the land the team will race on.

The livery tells a story through the rivers, pathways, and animal tracks, and also shows land animals, sea life, and tribes all coming together and uniting as one in the meeting place on the roof.

The Camaro will carry the likes of the king brown snake, sea eagle and crocodile, which are totems of the Larrakia people.

On the bonnet is a secondary meeting place with men and women representing the team members of Racing Together, family, friends, tribes and people, including the motorsport community.

The students completed the work under the guidance of motorsport livery designer, Peter Hughes.

"The livery looks fantastic. The students at Racing Together did a brilliant job with the artwork,” Goddard said.

"It was amazing for Supercheap Auto to allow them to have some flexibility in the design, allowing them to incorporate some cool colors and elements into the artwork.

"You can tell there’s a lot of heart in this livery, so hopefully I can get a good result for them and make them proud of what they’ve achieved."

Garry Connelly, Racing Together Chair and Director, added: "Racing Together is proud to be associated with Supercheap Auto’s wildcard entry in the Indigenous Supercars round.

“Our team members embraced the task with enthusiasm, creativity, and commitment to their respective heritages.

“The final design is outstanding and a stunning piece of art.

"The livery design truly reflects the culture and totems of the Larrakia people, the traditional custodians of the Darwin region."

The betr Darwin Triple Crown will be held on June 16-18. Tickets are on sale now.

Racing Together students/artists

Lincoln Taylor, age 14, Kooma tribeKarlai Warner, age 16, Kabi Kabi and Wakka Wakka tribesDylan Foster, age 17, Gunggari tribeRyan Jenyns, age 17, Ngemba and Weilwan tribesTayla Warner, age 18, Kabi Kabi and Wakka Wakka tribesAyesha Burke, age 20, Dharug tribeBraedyn Cidoni, age 20, Mununjali tribeLocky McHardy, age 20, Dharug tribeTristian Mitchell-Delaney, age 20, Quandamooka and Gangulu tribes

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